Cheers: The conversational catch-all

One qualification of the Rotary Scholarship was to study outside of the United States. My research foray into Spanish-speaking schools was very brief. While studying in Argentina, the searing struggles of following the convoluted plot lines of Julio Cortazar and the persistent embarrassment of being unable to roll my r's quickly directed my thought process... Continue Reading →


Sexism has become synonymous with Trump's campaign: from his comments about women over the years to his endless interruptions during the debate to the video recording released last week. Trump's chauvinist shadow may consume center stage, but Cooper's question to Secretary Clinton regarding the ACA should also raise concerns, in particular as Clinton was asked... Continue Reading →


Raised in Alabama, I'm accustomed to North-South mentalities. Above the Mason-Dixon lies a storied realm of tea without sweetener, of hellishly cold winters. Charleston similarly holds a history of contentious locational relativity to Broad Street (although the real distinction may now be Line Street). The distinct marker in London is the roiling brown of the... Continue Reading →

MLK Day 2016

Yesterday I woke up late and well-rested. Sunlight filled my room, as if the rays of light had separated from the Sun with the exact purpose of warming me as I drank my morning coffee. King Street was peaceful, and crisp air filtered through my open window. However, I learned that the residents of my... Continue Reading →

Applied statistics

K-I-S-S-I-N-G In tenth grade, I developed math-related anxiety in the musty, oddly lit room of my Algebra II class. Up until this point, the functions and foiling, the calculations and the coefficients had all made sense. When I checked my work (if I checked my work), the answer gave graceful way to the original number... Continue Reading →

Trump/Graham: Politicians, not Public Servants

"Politicians are never going to turn this country around... they're weak and ineffective." This sentence expresses one of the few points from presidential hopeless Donald Trump with which I agree. He expressed this dislike for politicians in a CNN interview from July 22. Politicians are not the leaders that this country needs. Politicians play into... Continue Reading →


Sifting through sweaters, shirts, and socks, I'd like to talk about what I left behind. Starting from the outside and working my way in, I stuffed into the maroon, coffee-stained North Face backpack, which I've had since before I could drive, the following items: one red coat, one sweater (with a hood to cancel out... Continue Reading →

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